5 Common Mistakes That Attract Mosquitoes
Many new homeowners look forward to hosting backyard get-togethers with family and friends.  However, one common pest can leave you itchy and frustrated: mosquitoes. If you feel like mosquitoes are particularly drawn to your yard ruining your outdoor festivities, read on to learn what draws these troublesome insects to your yard and how to avoid them.

Mosquito Mistakes: More Than a Nuisance 

The buzzing and bites of mosquitoes are a sure way to cut summer fun short. However, mosquitoes are more than a nuisance. Mosquito bites can cause complications and severe illness. That’s because these airborne pests carry and spread parasites and viruses like the following:

  • West Nile Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Malaria
  • Yellow Fever

Complications from these illnesses can lead to brain infections and congenital disabilities.

Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes That Attract Mosquitoes

Avoid Attracting Mosquitoes
Homeowners cut down on the risk of mosquito-spread disease by staying vigilant about avoiding the 5 common mistakes that attract mosquitoes to their yards.

1. Not Tackling Yard Drainage Issues

You may have drainage issues if your yard typically has puddles for days after rain. Standing water is more than just unsightly. It can also be a breeding ground for mosquitoes since they need water for the first three stages of their life cycle. Cleaning your gutters regularly and consulting a professional about your yard drainage system can help you avoid the standing water mosquitoes need to flourish.

2. Letting Your Lawn Become Overgrown

Many communities have participated in “No-Mow May,” where homeowners don’t mow their grass in May to allow pollinator flowers to grow. However, if you continue to let your lawn grow unfettered, you may inadvertently create a nesting spot for mosquitoes, who need water and dense grass to thrive. Avoid letting your lawn become overgrown by mowing it frequently.

3. Not Properly Repelling Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are drawn to carbon dioxide, meaning the air you exhale can attract them to your yard. Mosquito repellents like body sprays, candles, or electronic repellents can help keep these pests at a distance. For a more natural solution, consider planting mosquito-repelling plants like lavender or lemon balm.

4. Keeping Your Lawn Cluttered

Just like overgrown lawns provide shelter for mosquito nests, any clutter or debris on your grass can do the same. Items like toys or firewood can protect those nests from the elements and help them thrive. Avoid creating those nesting spots by properly putting up any toys, movable play structures, or firewood when not in use.

5. Letting Food Sit Out

Summer BBQs are a great way to bond and create memories with family and friends. However, if you’re letting that food sit out, you may be attracting mosquitoes to the scent. Cover any food left outside with lids or tin foil to avoid issues. Another option is to serve the food indoors and have your guests bring their plates out to eat.

You can enjoy your summer get-togethers nuisance free by avoiding these 5 common mistakes that attract mosquitoes. After all, you worked hard for your home and yard and deserve to enjoy them—without the buzz of mosquitoes.

About Michigan Mortgage Lender Julie Krumholz from Superior National Bank

Is your apartment leaving you dreaming of the space to host a backyard get-together? Homeownership may be closer than you think.

Julie Krumholz from Superior National Bank has been helping families navigate home-buying for over 3 decades. She’s experienced nearly every facet of the mortgage industry, from processing, closing, loan origination, underwriting, QC auditing, and even co-owning a mortgage brokerage firm. Julie’s wealth of knowledge makes her a trusted resource and friend to homebuyers from all walks of life.

Contact Julie at 586-382-5482 to learn how she can help you with your homeownership goals!