Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Season After a Move

If you purchased your first home this summer, congratulations! Chances are, you’ve already (mostly) finished unpacking and have begun settling into homeownership. As fall approaches, you may be looking to the next big change to prepare for: back-to-school for your children. A new school doesn’t need to be overwhelming when you know how to help your kids with back-to-school season after a move. Just like your mortgage lender helped streamline the homebuying process, community support can help streamline your children’s new school experience.

Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Season After a Move

After a move, these tips for back-to-school season can help your kids with their new school jitters.

1. Tour your kids’ school before the first day

Sometimes it’s the unknown that causes anxiety. Help your kids avoid those jitters by visiting their new school before the first day. Take time to show them where their classes, cafeteria, gym, and all the locations they’ll need are as they start school.

2. Introduce your children to their new guidance counselor

Guidance counselors support children with various issues, including adjusting to a new school after a move. Introduce your children to their new guidance counselor for help with questions about classes or for emotional support as they transition to their new school.

3. Schedule a meeting with the teacher

Arrange a meeting with their teachers once your kids get their class schedule. This allows you to ask questions about rules, class expectations, and the curriculum covered to ensure your kids are up-to-speed on their first day of class.

4. Let them have a say in their school shopping

It may be tempting to pick out all your children’s school supplies once you get the required items list. However, allowing your kids to have a say in the supplies can make them feel more in control of the new school situation. They may also be excited to show off their new backpacks, notebooks, or other supplies they pick out.

5. Encourage your kids to join extracurricular activities

Joining a club or sport is a great opportunity for your kids to make friends in their new school. Some activities even start a few weeks before the first day of classes. That means, on your kid’s first day, they’ll already have familiar faces to make them more comfortable in their new school.

6. Get involved and meet other parents in the area

Consider joining the PTA or volunteering in your kid’s classroom. Getting involved with your child’s school can open the door to new friendships for both you and your children. The connections you make with other parents can lead to playdates with their children or insight into upcoming school events your kids might enjoy.

Changing schools may feel overwhelming to your kids, but by connecting with the teachers, administration, and other parents, you can help prepare them for the back-to-school season after a move. Before you know it, your children will be settled into their new learning environment, just like they are in their new home environment.

About Julie Krumholz from Superior National Bank

Julie Krumholz has been helping homebuyers navigate the mortgage process for a smooth transition to homeownership for over 30 years. She’s experienced nearly every facet of the mortgage industry, from processing, closing, loan origination, underwriting, QC auditing, and even co-owning a mortgage brokerage firm. Julie’s wealth of knowledge and passion for helping homebuyers makes her a trusted resource and friend throughout the homebuying process.

Call Julie Krumholz for help with your homebuying needs at 586-382-5482