Emergencies can sneak into our lives with no warning. And as Michiganders, we’re are no stranger to tornadoes, severe weather and power outages. While we should always hope for the best, we must also prepare for the worst, and having a plan laid out ahead of time will minimize chaos in a time of stress.

How to Create Your Home Emergency Plan

How to Create Your Home Emergency Plan

Discuss the Hypotheticals

Taking the time to discuss hypothetical situations with your loved ones can help build an effective emergency plan. Asking and answering questions like; “What if we can’t find each other?” Or, “Where do we meet if we can’t reach our house in an emergency?” “Who do we call in an emergency?” can provide us with a solid plan.

Keep a List of Important Contacts and Documentation

Having a list of contacts that can be accessed by loved ones can make a world of a difference. Keep in mind that disasters can strike unexpectedly, potentially preventing your usual access to phone numbers and medical details. For example, if there is a power outage, you will not have internet access. So gather copies of important documents such as your driver’s license, passport, bank account numbers and insurance policies. Having this information in one, known place will save you precious time during a crisis.

Think About What Supplies You’ll Need

Supply shortages typically occur when certain emergencies are announced in the headlines, such as a pandemic or natural disaster. The key is to stock up on essentials prior to an emergency so you aren’t stuck looking at empty store shelves.

For food, stock up on non-perishable items with a long shelf life. Don’t forget toiletries, clothing, medications and other miscellaneous items. Our article on what to pack in your emergency go bag can help you brainstorm on what supplies you may may be forgetting.

Have a Plan for Your Pets

Our non-verbal friends can’t always understand what’s happening, so we need to be thinking and reacting for them as well. Include your pets in a home evacuation plan. This will help you see how they will actually respond and adjust your plan if necessary. Getting your cat in the carrier may not be as easy as you think.

Along with accessible contacts, documents, and other essentials, make sure you have pet food, medications and carriers stocked up as well.

Emergency Checklists

Below are some checklists from michigan.gov to help you an idea of where to begin when preparing for an emergency. You can also print these checklists out and have them on stand by.

Remember, by preparing for an emergency we are not expecting or attracting one, but instead developing an organized plan to keep us safe and secure in the event of one.

About Michigan Mortgage Expert, Julie Krumholz from Superior National Bank

Julie is a mortgage lender serving Southeast Michigan with over 30 years of experience. She has worked in underwriting, quality control, processing, closing and loan origination. Her extensive background allows her to advise Michigan borrowers with unusual expertise.

If you are looking for a Michigan mortgage expert to help you navigate through the home buying process, contact Julie today by calling: 586-382-5482.