Vacations are a time to unwind and escape the daily grind, but it can be hard to relax if you have concerns about home security. Locking up, setting alarms, and asking a neighbor to keep an eye out may be the first things that come to mind, but there are some other ways to deter unwanted guests.  And no, they don’t require a brand new alarm system or smart home automation, so you can start securing your home today, without breaking the bank.

Decoy Security Cameras

While real security cameras are a must, installing a few decoy cameras in visible locations can deter potential burglars. These fake cameras are inexpensive and can be mounted in conspicuous places around your property. The sight of multiple cameras may make a thief think twice, as they cannot distinguish between real and fake ones without close inspection.

Use Signs and Stickers

Placing signs and stickers indicating that your home is protected by a security system can also be a strong deterrent. Even if you don’t have an actual alarm system, the suggestion that your home is being monitored can discourage break-ins. Similarly, stickers that suggest you have a dog can be effective, even if you don’t actually own a pet.

Creative Landscaping

Your yard can play a significant role in home security. Thorny bushes and shrubs planted under windows can make it difficult for intruders to gain entry without causing a commotion. Also, maintaining a well-groomed lawn and garden suggests that someone is home. Overgrown lawns and neglected landscape can attract thieves as it looks like no one is home to take care of the property.

Timers for Indoor and Outdoor Lighting

While using timers for indoor lights is common, don’t forget about outdoor lighting. Motion-sensor lights on your driveway and near entrances can startle and deter potential burglars. Timers can also be used for outdoor decorations or porch lights to keep your home looking lively.

Secure Valuables in Unconventional Hiding Spots

If an intruder does manage to get inside, you can still protect your most valuable possessions by using unconventional hiding spots. For example, hollowed-out books, fake electrical outlets, or even hidden compartments in furniture can be excellent places to stash cash, jewelry, and other small valuables.

Install Window Security Film

Window security film can prevent glass from shattering easily, adding an extra layer of protection. This film holds the glass together even if it’s broken, making it harder for intruders to gain entry through windows. It’s an affordable and effective way to secure vulnerable entry points.

Have a Plan for Mail and Deliveries

A pile of mail or packages is a clear sign that no one is home. Arrange for your mail to be held by the postal service or ask a neighbor to collect it regularly. For packages, you can use services that offer to reroute deliveries to a secure location.

Keep Reading: Tips to Improve Home Security and Keep Thieves at Bay

Julie Krumholz from Superior National Bank – Michigan Mortgage Lender

Are you looking to secure a home loan? With over 35 years of experience in the mortgage industry, Julie Krumholz is a trusted resource and friend to homebuyers. Julie has worked in processing, closing and loan origination, underwriting, QC auditing and has even co-owned a mortgage brokerage firm. Julie applies her knowledge to help first-time and seasoned homebuyers with a seamless homebuying experience!

Call Julie at 586-382-5482 for all of your homebuying needs!